ID and Address
In compliance with the provisions of the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties) we hereby inform you of the following:
In the “” website and the Command Center of Viajes Vuela S.A. de C.V., commercially known as "Ya Vas", with address
at Av. Antonio Dovalí Jaime # 70 Torre B Piso 13, Zedec Santa Fe, 01210 Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, we are committed to protecting your privacy. Ya Vas is responsible for using and protecting your personal information and this Privacy Policy outlines the information that you, as a client, provide us, what we do with it and how we protect it.
What do we use your personal information for?
The personal information collected from you shall be used for the following purposes necessary to provide the service you are requesting:
1. To complete the booking process for your trip.
2. To process the booking charges.
3. To bill your booking.
4. To book the services you have purchased for hotels, transportation, car rentals, and flights.
5. Customer service.
6. Customer solutions.
Additionally, we shall use your personal information for the following purposes that are not necessary to provide the service being requested, but that allows us to provide you with a better service:
1. Communicating promotions that may be of interest to you.
2. Conducting commercial surveys that could facilitate future bookings.
3. Analyzing your booking behavior in order to make future suggestions.
4. Sending by e-mail, telephone or through social networks, information on promotions, additional services and related activities offered by us or our business partners.
Please send us an email to datos.personales@yavas,com if you don’t wish your personal information to be used for these additional purposes.
Your refusal to allow us to use your personal information for purposes that are not needed for providing the services and products requested shall not be grounds to refuse them to you. Means to obtain your personal information.
All personal information collected for the purposes provided in this Privacy Notice is obtained in the following ways:
1. Directly provided by you via any electronic, optical, sound or visual means or using any other technology such as postal mail, the Internet or by telephone, including the purchase of a product or service with Ya Vas, participating in promotions, offers, sponsorships, and similar activities.
2. When you visit our websites and you enter your information;
3. When you use our Command Center services;
4. When you use our official accounts in social networks; and
5. From other legally acceptable sources.
What personal information do we collect and use?
We shall use the following personal information to carry out the purposes described in this Privacy Notice:
1. ID information: full name; nationality; full address; telephone and email address; Passport information (if any), official ID.
2. Financial information: Credit card number; cardholder name; card expiration date; card security code (CCV), credit card statements.
3. Tax information: Billing name; Tax ID; billing address; billing e-mail.
Pursuant to Articles 8, 10 and 37 of the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares (Mexico's Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties), financial information does not require express consent to be used.
What sensitive personal information shall be used by us?
Ya Vas does not collect or process sensitive personal information such as racial or ethnic origin, health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical or moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, and sexual preferences.
With whom do we share your information and for what purposes?
Pursuant to Articles 36 and 37 of the Federal Act on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, we inform you that your personal information may be shared within and outside the country with the following persons, companies, organizations, business partners, and authorities, other than us, for the following purposes:
Recipient of personal information
Information transferred
Requires Consent
Network hotels with whom we have a business relationship
Name, telephone and e-mail address
Conclude the booking process of the lodging package.
Network airline with whom we have a commercial relationship
Name, date of birth and e-mail address
Booking air transportation to your destination
Network car rental agencies with whom we have a business relationship
Name, telephone and e-mail address
Processing car rentals at your destination
Land transportation agency with whom we have a commercial relationship
Name, telephone and e-mail address
Airport-hotel and hotel-airport transportation
Your bank
Credit card name and information.
If applicable, to process credit card charges for our services.
Billing name, Tax ID and billing e-mail
To issue invoices according to the regulations of Mexico's Federal Tax Administration (SAT, for its Spanish acronym)
We also inform you that the transfer of personal information is only for the purposes described in the above table. Any use of personal information for a different purpose shall be governed by the privacy notice of the above institutions.
The personal information may only be transferred to third parties other than those mentioned in the above table, through (i) express consent, (ii) by resolution or order issued by a legal or administrative authority, (iii) in those cases where the personal information is considered as public by the legislation.
Through the execution of agreements and/or any other binding documents, Ya Vas shall ensure that third parties maintain adequate security, administrative, technical and physical measures to safeguard your personal information and use it only for the purposes for which it was collected under this Privacy Notice.
How to object the use of your personal information and how to access, correct or cancel such personal information?
You are entitled to know what personal information we hold about you, what we use it for and the conditions of use (Access). You are also entitled to request the correction of your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); to request its removal from our records or databases if you believe it is not being used according to the principles, duties, and obligations provided in the regulations (Cancellation); and to object the use thereof for specific purposes (Objection). These rights are known as ARCO Rights.
You may withdraw any consent granted to us for the processing of your personal information, including your sensitive personal information. However, it is important that you keep in mind that we may not be able to comply with your request or terminate the use of your personal information immediately, since it is possible that, due to some legal obligation, we are required to continue processing it. Also, you must consider that, for certain purposes, withdrawing your consent may imply that we cannot continue providing the service you requested, or that your relationship with us must be terminated.
To exercise any of your ARCO rights or in response to any questions you may have regarding the treatment of your information, we have established two communication mechanisms: the e-mail address or sending a communication in writing to the following address: Antonio Dovalí Jaime, Número 70, Torre B, Piso 13, Colonia Zedec Santa Fe, Delegación Álvaro Obregón, C.P. 01210, Ciudad de Mexico, Atención – Protección de Datos Personales.
Pursuant to Article 29 of the Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, the request must contain the information required in all mandatory fields, including: full name (name or names and family names), e-mail or physical address provided for service of process, a contact telephone number and clear and precise description of the personal information about which the ARCO Rights are to be exercised, attaching a regular copy of an official ID or, if using electronic media, including a digitized version of such official ID (Scanning).
We shall provide an answer in a maximum of twenty (20) business days from the date of receipt of your request for access, correction, cancellation or objection via e-mail transmitted to you to the address provided in your application or by letter sent to the physical address you provided for this purpose (the twenty (20) business days term shall be deemed terminated upon delivery).
Additionally, the owners of personal information who wish to cancel their subscription to any e-mail bulletins may do so, in whole or in part, by clicking on the 'Cancel subscription' link located at the bottom of each e-mail.
How can you withdraw your consent to using your personal information?
You can withdraw any consent that you may have granted us for using your personal information. However, please keep in mind that we may not be able to comply with your request or terminate the use of your personal information immediately, since it is possible that, due to some legal obligation, we are required to continue processing it. Also, you must consider that, for certain purposes, withdrawing your consent may imply that we cannot continue providing the service you requested, or that your relationship with us must be terminated.
To withdraw your consent please submit your request via e-mail to or mail it to our Address: Av. Antonio Dovalí Jaime # 70 Torre B, Piso 13, Zedec Santa Fe, 01210 Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, Mexico.
How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?
There are several ways to limit the use and disclosure of your personal information:
• By registering with the Public Registry to Avoid Advertising, overseen by the Federal Attorney's Office, so that your personal information may not be used for sending advertising or promoting goods or services. For more information about this registry, please go to the PROFECO website, or contact PROFECO directly.
• By registering in our exclusion list so that your personal information may not be processed by us for marketing, advertising or commercial prospecting purposes. For more information please send us an e-mail to
Use of tracking technologies on our website
Please be informed that our website uses cookies, web beacons and other technologies that enable us to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, provide you with a better service and user experience when browsing our website, and offer you new products and services based on your preferences.
Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard disk of the user's computer when browsing a specific website, allowing the Internet server to remember some information about the user, including those server's preferences for displaying pages, name, and password. You are not required to accept the cookies that we send you, and you may also change your browser settings to block cookies.
Web beacons, on the other hand, are images inserted in a website or e-mail, which may be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor, including storing information about the user's IP address, duration of interaction time on such website and type of browser used.
The information we obtain from these tracking technologies are the following: browsing time, browsing time on our website, sections visited, and websites accessed prior to ours.
Additionally, the information obtained through these technologies is used for statistical purposes and/or the analysis of commercial trends. This information is not shared with third parties.
These technologies may be disabled by following these steps: 1. In our website go to "Website Terms and Conditions" and then go to "Cookies"; 2. Click on "Cookies"; 3. Read the warning message about disabling cookies, and 4. Click on the legend to activate the disabling cookies mechanism.
For more information on the use of these technologies, please go to YA VAS
Cookies Policy.
How can you find out if this privacy notice has suffered any changes?
This privacy notice may suffer changes, amendments or updates resulting from new legal requirements, our own needs regarding the products or services we offer, our privacy practices, changes in our business model, or for some other reasons.
We are committed to keeping you informed about any changes made to this privacy notice by using authorized means of communications such as our website (Privacy Notice section).
The Privacy section contains the procedure that we shall follow to notify you about changes or updates to this privacy notice.
Special provisions for the processing of personal information relating to minors and persons with disabilities or legally incompetent
We hereby inform you that, as required by law, we are especially committed to protecting the personal information of minors, persons with disabilities or legally incompetent, and for this purpose we have established specific measures, such as the implementation of more strict security measures to ensure the confidentiality of minors and groups with special needs.
The security and confidentiality of the information users provide when contracting a service or buying a product online is protected by a secure SSL (Secure Socket Layer) server and all communications are encrypted.
To verify that you are in a protected environment make sure that there is an S in your navigation bar. For example: httpS://.
However, despite having more secure tools every day, the protection of information sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed 100%; therefore, once the information is received, we shall take all possible measures to protect it.
About the INAI
If you believe that your right to protecting your personal information has been harmed by any conduct or omission on our side, or presume any breach of Mexico's Federal Act on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations or any other applicable statutes, you may file a claim with the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI, for its Spanish acronym). For more information, please visit